Minggu, 28 Februari 2021

Kamis, 19 November 2020

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020

Riview Film Nicos Weg

 Nico is listening to German lessons when he meets Emma and her mother.

 When Nico left the airport, he had bad luck with his suitcase.

 Nico's bag was accidentally put in the taxi and taken away!  Fortunately, someone offered to help.

 Nico still hadn't brought his suitcase, and couldn't remember his aunt's address.  Lisa and Emma offer to give him a ride into town.

 Nico learns how to tell Emma and Lisa their names in German.  When they stopped to put gas in the car, he saw something he recognized.

 Nico thought he might have found the bag, but no luck.

 Nico, Lisa, and Emma run into Lisa's friend Max, who suggests that they ask Lisa's father to help with Nico's situation.

 Lisa calls her father, a cop, to see if she can help find Nico's aunt.

 Nico and Emma play a game in the car right before Lisa drives her to a birthday party.

 When Lisa drops Emma off at a birthday party, Nico is waiting in the car and hears something interesting on the radio.

 Nico has the bold idea of ​​calling the radio station and telling them about his missing bag.

 Nico and Lisa go to the police station, where her father asks what little information Nico can give him.

 Nico goes to "Wohngemeinschaft" ("WG") where Lisa lives and meets his housemates, who are getting ready for the party.

 When Nico showed Nina and Sebastian a photo of her aunt, Sebastian had the idea to post the photo online and see if anyone recognized the bike shop.

 Nico and his friends ordered pizza and apparently someone responded to a photo of his aunt's bike shop on social media.

 Nico and Lisa eat pizza with Lisa's roommate and talk about the party they were having.

 Nawin received some great souvenirs at his farewell party, and he and Nico and Lisa had a discussion about different cities in Germany.

 Inge and Jacques made a bet: What did the people order at the next table?  If Inge lost, she would have to meet Jacques again.  Who do you think will win?

 Jacques tells us what he used to do for a living, and Inge was fascinated and impressed.  They celebrate their friendship with lemon and champagne cake!

 Jacques talks about his life and many of his careers, and Inge finds him very endearing.  But after awkwardly ending their meal, Inge didn't know what to think.

Most of the films also feature grammar reviews and some information about German culture (usually related to the episode's theme).

 As I said before, the focus is mostly on practice and the story takes a back seat.  There are some minor oddities and unrealistic elements here and there (for example Nico learns German too fast and never stutters or is unsure of himself ... maybe because the actor is German), but overall it's well done.  The story is in German (with German subtitles available) but practice questions, vocabulary definitions and part of culture are in English except in B1 which is all in German.  Therefore, I would recommend knowing a little German before taking Nicos Weg.

 This website offers fun games and exercises to help with learning.  When it comes to grammar and vocabulary points, films offer great tips and explanations.  Although the film will be entirely in German, you will also be given a script on the website page if you can't grasp what the character is saying.  You can also learn more about German culture, society and traditions through interesting videos and information on the website.  In terms of dramas and stories, you can learn through the stories and daily situations of the characters, which are presented through short episodes.

 In this series, you can learn a lot of vocabulary and grammar points on a website and it will be very useful, especially when you are taking a German language proficiency test, such as the Deutsch Z Certified.

Rabu, 30 September 2020

My Goal My Ambition

 In the future I want to become an international archery athlete, because since grade 6 of elementary school, I have been participating in archery activities, until now.

 How to pursue it I am also still confused about how to pursue these goals, because I still feel lazy when I practice. But what I do sometimes practice by myself at home and I also think that not everyone is as lucky as me, there are many out there who want to follow archery when thinking like that I get excited again. The achievement that I got from archery is that I got 7 medals and 1 national championship trophy. I will try to increase my achievements.

Kamis, 16 Juli 2020

Independence Day

Salsa: hi Kevin! Now is Indonesia independence day! how do you feel about holding a competition of traditional games?

Kevin: Hi Salsa! Mmm.. I think it's not bad.

Salsa: would you like to be the chairman of the committee? I think you're capable of

Kevin: no thank's,I think there are a lot of people who are more capable than I am.

Salsa: do you think so?

Kevin: yes, I think

Salsa: but I think you can do it. I suggest you try it first

Kevin: but if I do it by myself, I can't.

Salsa: may I help you? I will invite some people to help you in the committee

Kevin: are you serious?

Salsa: of course

Kevin: thank you so much to your help. And would you like to be deputy chairman of the committee? I think you can do it too.

Salsa: okay, if you think so. I will help you.

Kevin: Thank you. And first what will we do now?

Salsa: we have to collect all the committee

Kevin: okay, and then?

Salsa: why don't we give the task of each committee?

Kevin: okay if you say so

Salsa: may I help you to calling all the committee?

Kevin: Thank you, I appreciate your help

Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

Youth Pledge

On 28 October 1928, Youth Pledge was held. Youth Pledge was held because the initiative of Indonesian students namely PPPI (Indonesian Student Association) and Indonesian scholars who aspire to unite all youth organizations in Indonesia, meetings to made their goals come true. 
The first meeting was held in 1926, until finally getting results on February 20, 1927, this one is called Kongres Sumpah Pemuda 1 or The First Youth Pledge. The Youth Congress I was attended by Jong Java youth organizations, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Ambon, Sekar Rukun, Jong Islamieten Bond, Studerenden Minahasaers, then Jong Bataks Bond and Youth Theosofi also participated in a large density.
The purpose of the first youth pledge was to find a way to foster a single youth association namely to form a central body. But The First Youth pledge was unsuccessful because it was not yet time for the regional organization to merge into a single organization, and there are still doubts about some youth organizations regarding the usefulness of unity, and there was still a misunderstanding and lack of understanding about the need for fusion among youth organizations. 
The second meeting was held in May 1928. And the third meeting was held on August 12, 1928. This third meeting was the last meeting attended by all lines of the youth organizations. All organizations gave participation on that time. In addition to the PPPI organization, many youth organizations involved include Jong Java, Jong Celebes, Jong Soemantranen Bond and other organizations.
The purpose of the Second Youth Congress is to bring forth the aspirations of all Indonesian youth youth associations, to discuss some of the problems of the Indonesian youth movement, and strengthening national awareness and strengthening the unity of Indonesia.
In the historic youth pledge, the first Indonesian national anthem was played by W.R.  Soepratman.  The Indonesia Raya song was first published in 1928 in the Sin Po newspaper print media by including text that showed that the song was the national anthem. The song was banned by the Dutch East Indies colonial government, but the youth continued to sing it.
And the result is :
Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah Indonesia.
Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia



Senin, 24 Februari 2020

Miss we apologize, because already made Miss disappointed, made angry, we promise will not be like that again. Miss i'm so sorryπŸ™ We love you Miss πŸ’“

Minggu, 09 Februari 2020


                                           πŸŒˆ  My Hope and Dreams  🌈

Hasil gambar untuk 3 srikandi

My dream?
Want to be an archery athlete
Why?I used to think like that because I wanted to go to Korea. Actually, going to Korea doesn't need to be an athlete, but going to a country of people to make the name of the country striving to get the best seems better. There is a sense of pride that others might not be able to feel ..

Maybe for some people do not want to be athletes, tired yes it really is very tired, spend time for training, basking in the sun, in the rain. .I want to end the struggle, sometimes I like to be jealous of my friends who vacation using it to go out for a walk, playing with friends. Whereas I can only heat the heat which makes my skin black 😁. .my parents always say it's okay to fight first at the end and at the end it will be a good life, and also that important items have achievements. .

My hope?
Hope I want to be a useful person
I don't know for sure why I want to be like that but what I feel if being a useful person is happy, we can be proud to be someone useful for anything. .I want to make Indonesia proud when Asian games seem to be very moving, don't just represent the country representing the city I'm already happy. If you are useful to people then you will always be remembered .

Minggu, 19 Januari 2020

                                                            The Three Little Pigs

Dongeng Anak: The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs.
Pada suatu hari, ada tiga babi kecil.
They each wanted to build a house.
Masing-masing ingin membangun sebuah rumah.
They were walking down the road when they met a man carrying some straw.
Saat berjalan-jalan mereka bertemu dengan sesorang yang membawa jerami


The first little pig asked: “Please can I have some straw?”
Babi kecil pertama bertanya: “Bolehkah aku minta sedikit jerami?”
“Yes, here you are.” The man said.
“Tentu saja, silahkan” ujar sang pembawa jerami
The first pig took the straw and built a house of straw.
Babi kecil pertama mengambil jerami dan membangun sebuah rumah darinya.

The second and third pig walked down the road.
Babi kecil kedua dan ketiga berjalan-jalan.
They met a man carrying some sticks.
Mereka bertemu dengan sesorang yang membawa tongkat.
The second little pig asked: “Please can I have some sticks?”
Babi kecil kedua bertanya: “Bolehkah aku minta sedikit tongkat?”
“Yes, here are some sticks.” The man said.
“Tentu saja, silahkan”, ujar pembawa tongkat
The second pig took the sticks and built a house using the sticks.
Babi kecil kedua mengambil tongkat dan membangun sebuh rumah darinya.

The third pig walked down the road.
Babi ketiga berjalan-jalan
He met a man carrying some bricks.
Ia bertemu dengan seseorang yang membawa batu bata
The third little Pig asked: “Please can I have some bricks?”
Babi kecil ketiga bertanya: “Bolehkah aku minta sedikit batu bata?”
And the man answered. “Yes, I have lots of bricks. Here you are.”
Sang lelaki menjawab, “Tentu saja, aku punya banyak batu bata. Silahkan”
The third pig built a house of bricks.
Babi kecil ketiga membangun sebuah rumah dari batu bata

The next day the wolf came down the road.
Hari berikutnya, seekor serigala berjalan-jalan
He saw the house of straw and knocked on the door: “little pig, little pig, let me in!”
Ia melihat rumah yang terbuat dari jerami dan mengetuk pintu: “babi kecil, babi kecil, biarkan aku masuk!”
“Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!”
“Tentu saja tidak!”
“Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!”
“Kalau begitu aku akan huff…dan puff…dan aku akan menghembuskan rumah hingga runtuh!”
He huffed and he puffed… He blew the house down!
Ia-pun menghembuskan dan menerbangkan rumahnya!
The first little pig ran down the road to his brother’s house.
Babi kecil pertama berlari menuju rumah saudaranya.
The next day the wolf walked further down the road.
Keesokan harinya, serigala berjalan lebih jauh
He saw the house of sticks and knocked on the door.
Ia melihat rumah yang terbuat dari tongkat dan mengetuk pintu
The wolf said, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!”
Serigala berkata, “Babi kecil, babi kecil, biarkan aku masuk!”
“Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins!”
“Tentu saja tidak!”
Both little pigs answered.
Kedua babi kecil menjawab
“Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!”
“Kalau begitu aku akan huff…dan puff…dan aku akan menghembuskan rumah hingga runtuh!”
The wolf huffed and he puffed… He blew the house down!
Ia-pun menghembuskan dan menerbangkan rumahnya!
The little pigs ran down the road to their brother’s house
Kedua babi kecil berlari menuju rumah saudaranya

he next day the wolf walked further down the road.
Keesokan harinya, serigala berjalan lebih jauh lagi
He saw the house of brick and knocked on the door.
Ia melihat rumah yang terbuat dari batu bara dan mengetuk pintu
“Little pig, little pig, let me in!”
“Babi kecil, babi kecil biarkan aku masuk!”
“Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chins!”
“Tentu saja tidak!”
All of the three little pigs answered together.
Ketiga babi kecil menjawab bersamaan
“Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!”
“Kalau begitu aku akan huff…dan puff…dan aku akan menghembuskan rumah hingga runtuh!”
He huffed and he puffed… but this house didn’t fall down.
Ia-pun menghembuskan…tapi rumah ini tidak hancur
The wolf got angry and said:
Serigala menjadi marah dan berkata:
“Little pigs, I’m going to climb down your chimney and eat you up.”
“Babi kecil, aku akan memmanjat lubang asapmu dan memakanmu.”
Hearing these, the three little pigs put a big pot of water on the fire.
Mendengar ini, ketiga babi kecil menaruh panci besar diatas api dengan air didalamnya

The wolf climbed onto the roof.
Serigla memanjat ke atas atap
Then he started to climb down the chimney.
Kemudian mulai menuruni lubang asap
But “splash” – he fell into the pot.
Tapi “splash” – ia terjatuh ke dalam panci
And that was the end of the hungry angry wolf.
Dan itulah akhir dari serigala yang kelaparan


1. what is the story about?
2. who is the character of the story?
3. who built the house with bricks?
4. How many pigs do they build using straw?
5. What is moral massage of the story?

Direct Sentence
1. “Please can I have some straw?”
2. “Yes, here you are.”
3.  “little pig, little pig, let me in!”
4. “Then I’ll huff…. and I’ll puff…. and I’ll blow your house down!”
5.  “Little pigs, I’m going to climb down your chimney and eat you up.”

